11 CORPS The 11 Corps of the Indian Army is based in Jalandhar and is a part of Western Command. It is also called the ‘Vajra Corps’. The XI Corps was raised to take command of the formations in the Punjab as India reorganised its post 1947 army to meet the new threat of Pakistan. It consists of 7th Infantry Division headquartered at Firozpur; 9th Infantry Division headquartered at Meerut HQ Meerut, one brigade Meerut, one brigade Delhi, one brigade Jalandhar; 15th Infantry Division headquartered at Amritsar Appears to include 350 Infantry Brigade; 23rd Armored Brigade and 55th Mechanised Brigade (Beas). In 1984, 46 Armoured Regiment was based in Amritsar as part of an armoured brigade at the time of Operation Blue Star. The sleeve patch of this Corps is red horizontal striped patch intersected with a white stripe in the background with three kirpans in a circle in the foreground.