BHAGWANT UNIVERSITY Bhagwant University Ajmer is established by Bhagwant Education Foundation which has also established Bhagwant Global University Kotdwar. This is the only university in Rajasthan which offers engineering courses in aeronautics, petroleum, nanotechnology and agriculturre. The emblem of the university has a gear wheel ensconcing a housing the motifs of the Staff of Hermes with a pair of wings and entwined serpents symbolising medicine and medical profession; a torch which is an emblem of enlightenment, hope, life, truth and the regenerative power and an open book denoting education, knowledge and wisdom. These are surrounded by a circular border which has its name and place written on it and separated by a pair of heads of wheat. At the bottom, on a banner its motto in Sanskrit ‘प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रज्ञानम्’ (Shloka 3.1.3, Aitareya Upanishad, Rig Veda) meaning ‘Consciousness is Brahman’ is inscribed. The gear wheel symbolises interconnectedness; efficiency and p...