SREE NARAYANAGURU OPEN UNIVERSITY Sree Narayanguru Open University SGOU, the State University for education and training in blended format, was established by the Government of Kerala in September 2020 vide the government ordinance No. 45 of 2020. The emblem of the university has an outline image of Sree Narayanaguru holding an open book placed on an eighteen petalled lotus and held by a pair of elephants and supported by its motto in the words of Guru in Malayalam ‘വിദ്യ കൊണ്ട് സ്വതന്ത്രരാവുക’ meaning ‘Be Free with Knowledge’. Its name is written at the bottom of the emblem. The logo was designed by artist Ansari Mangalathoppu and led by a council consisting of director Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Kerala Kalamandalam VC T K Narayanan and Principal, Fine Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram, V Manoj. Sree Narayanguru was one of the eminent social reformers of Kerala; elephants signify power, strength, unity and wisdom and the lotus denotes purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transforma...