
Showing posts with the label Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University


RAJA MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH STATE UNIVERSITY The circular seal of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University (MRPSU) in brown, orange and red colours has a glowing red sun, supported by a pair of eyes, an open book, flowing waters and its motto in Sanskrit 'मानसे रमतां नित्यं सर्वशुक्ला सरस्वती’ (Shloka 12, Sarasvati Rahasya Upanishad) meaning ‘May the all-white Sarasvati Sport Forever in My Mind’ meaning on a brown circle. These are ensconced by a white circular border on which its name and palace are inscribed in Devanagari and English. The sun denotes life, energy, power, positivity, illumination, light and clarity; a pair of eyes denotes waking up to knowledge and source of illumination; an open book denotes education, knowledge, learning and wisdom, flowing waters symbolise life, motion and fertility; the colour brown denotes earthiness, simplicity, stability, humility, warmth, reliability, endurance, timelessness and tradition and the colour orange denotes energy, vita