MAHARAJ VINAYAK GLOBAL UNIVERSITY The red, yellow and blue circular emblem of Maharaj Vinayak Global University (MVGU) has a blue circle holding the motifs of Lord Vinayak supported by a globe of the world, its motto at the bottom and a pair of laurels on sides. The motto in Sanskrit ‘विश्वे ज्ञानज्योतिः प्रसारयेत’ means ‘Let the Light of Knowledge Spread Throughout the World’. The blue circle is ensconced by a yellow circular border, which carries its name and place divided by a Staff of Caduceus or Staff of Hermes and a torch with flame. The border has red colour spikes decorating the seal as a multi-pointed star. The red star denotes achievement, success and recognition; the yellow colour denotes happiness, energy, vitality, focus and creativity; the blue colour denotes serenity, calmness, trust, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, freedom, openness, intelligence and loyalty; the Staff of Hermes denotes medicine and medical profession; the torch with flame symbolises symbolises e...