ANANDA MARGA Ananda Marga is a global spiritual and social service organization founded in 1955 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar) with a mission of self-realization (individual emancipation) and service to humanity (collective welfare): the fulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of all people. Ananda means ‘bliss’ and Marga means ‘path’. The spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga recognizes that God is one and that the universe is the creation of His mental thought-waves. The emblem or pratik of Anand Marg movement emphasises social service along with yoga and meditation. The symbol consists of an upward pointing triangle representing one's external actions (social service); a downward pointing triangle symbolizing one's internal work (meditation, self-realization); a rising sun symbolizing spiritual progress through the balance of external and internal efforts and a swastika representing fulfillment or one's ultimate spiritual goal.