UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DHARWAD The University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad (UASD) was established on October 1, 1986. The emblem of the university has a bullock and an ear of corn with stock stand in front of a rising sun with rays. This is supported by a red banner which is bearing its motto in Kannada ‘ಕೋಟಿ ವಿದ್ಯೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮೇಟಿ ವಿದ್ಯೆಯೇ ಮೇಲು’ meaning ‘Education of Tilling is the best among Crores of Education’. Below this an open book, a traditional lamp and a microscope is placed. All are ensconced in a blue circular border which has the name of the university inscribed in Kannada and English. Sun, cattle, corn and microscope are from the domain of agriculture and agricultural research. The open book denotes knowledge and wisdom and the traditional lamp represents light, path for growth and way forward.