CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) came into existence in 1969 with a modest beginning, having three battalions, to provide integrated security cover to the Indian public sector undertakings which, in those years, occupied the commanding heights of the economy. In a span of four decades, the force has grown several folds to reach one lakh twelve thousand personnel today. CISF has become a premier multiskilled security agency of the country, mandated to provide security to major critical infrastructure installations of the country in diverse areas. Crest of the force epitomizes the force motto ‘Protection and Security’ -‘Samrakshan va Suraksha’ has Ashoka lion pillar on top of the emblem. The coat of arms of the CISF shows the acronym ‘CISF’ in dark blue colour garlanded by golden twig of leaves. Below is the motto of the of the force on a red ribbon in English and in dark blue Devanagari.