SINOCHEM INDIA COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED Sinochem India Company Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated on February 22, 2008. It is classified as a private subsidiary of a foreign company and is located in New Delhi, Delhi. It produces fluorine, intermediates, new materials, agrochemicals, polymer additives, natural rubber, chemical and distribution of feedstock, pharmaceutical and health products. Etc. The emblem consists of a graphic logo, the word ‘Sinochem’ and the company motto ‘In Science We Trust’. Chemistry is a science to explore the mysteries of materials. Therefore, chemistry is part of nature; it should be like flowers in nature, beautiful and fragrant, for use by mankind and then return to nature. That is why peony is designated as the representative and symbol of the chemical industry. The icon features a blooming peony in natural colour and communicates Sinochem Holdings' value that it upholds the spirit of ‘In Science We Trust’, pursue...