DOON UNIVERSITY The insignia of Doon University (DU) houses the motifs of rising sun with rays of surmounting the Himalayan Mountains and flowing waters supported by its name in Devanagari and English, its year of establishment and an open book. Its motto in Sanskrit ‘ज्योतिर्वृणीत तमसो विजानन्’ (3-39-7 Rigveda) meaning ‘The Discriminating (Indra) has Separated the Light from the Darkness’ is written along the mountains. A circular line ensconces the motifs. The the rising sun denotes life, energy, power, positivity, illumination, light and clarity; the mountains and the flowing waters denote the geography of the locale; the open book denotes learning, education, knowledge and wisdom and the colour blue denotes serenity, calmness, trust, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, freedom, openness, intelligence and loyalty.