INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR With the recommendations of the Sarkar committee in view, the first Indian Institute of Technology was born in May 1950 in Hijli, Kharagpur, in the eastern part of India. Initially the IIT started functioning from 5, Esplanade East, Calcutta and very soon shifted to Hijli in September 1950. The present name 'Indian Institute of Technology' was adopted before the formal inauguration of the Institute on August 18, 1951. Its emblem in blue colour has a tree rooted to a book, where the year of its foundation is written, referring to growth through knowledge. Its name in Devanagari is written around the tree. It is ensconced by a segment of gear which bears the name of the institution in English. Below these on a trapezoidal panel its motto ‘योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्’ from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 50 is written. It means ‘Excellence in Action is Yoga’.