
Showing posts with the label Raja Mansingh Tomar Music & Arts University


RAJA MANSINGH TOMAR MUSIC & ARTS UNIVERSITY Raja Mansingh Tomar Music & Arts University (RMTMAU), Gwalior is a tribute to a generous and music loving ruler Raja Mansingh Tomar (1486-1518). The Madhya Pradesh Government started the university on August 19, 2008. The emblem of the logo has a blue circle with a  icositetragram (twenty four pointed) yellow star with a motif of red colour lotus with twelve petals and its motto in Sanskrit ‘नादब्रह्म शब्दब्रह्म रूपब्रह्म उपास्महे’ meaning ‘We worship the Brahman of Music, the Brahman of Words, the Brahman of Form’. The name of the university is written in Devanagari and English around the circular emblem. The lotus symbolises purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty and the star symbolises divine force or energy, harmony among all things in life, with its points providing insight into how we can strive towards achieving this goal.