VEER NARMAD SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) is a public university located in the city of Surat, Gujarat, India. It was established in 1965 as South Gujarat University and was renamed in 2004 in honour of the famous scholar and Gujarati poet Narmad. The yellow colour logo of the university has an emblem and a word mark. The emblem has a right hand spiral placed in the centre of a hexagram or sexagram - a six-pointed geometric star, ensconced in a circular sprocket wheel or chakra, is surrounded by a three segmented circular border - one carrying its name in Gujarati, the other its name in English and the third one at the bottom carries its motto in Sanskrit ‘सत्यं ज्ञानं अनन्तम्’ meaning ‘True Knowledge is Infinite’. All are surrounded by a circular border line. At the right of this its acronym is written in narrow sans serif capital font. The right hand spiral is a powerful symbol with a rich history. It is a symbol of growth, evolu...