ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES GUWAHATI The All India Institute of Medical Sciences Guwahati (AIIMS Guwahati), an autonomous Institute of National Importance under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - Government of India, was established under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) in May 2017. The emblem of AIIMS Guwahati is a three layered circular one with motifs in the centre. The outer layer acts as a banner carrying its name in Devanagari and English, supported by a pair of one horned rhinoceros. It represents the great one horned rhinoceros found in the forests of Assam, it is also listed as one of the vulnerable species. It symbolises strength and courage to keep moving ahead in spite of all obstacles. The next layer with ‘the red pattern represents the red border of the traditional Assamese ‘Gamucha', a handwoven cloth offered as a token of love and respect in Assamese culture. The centre of the circle holds motifs of ‘japi...