
Showing posts with the label New Delhi Television Ltd.


NEW DELHI TELEVISION LTD. New Delhi Television Ltd. (NDTV) was founded in 1988 by Radhika Roy and Prannoy Roy. NDTV is now primarily an internet company with the flagship website ‘’. On February 23, 2003 the current logo came into being. The logo of NDTV was designed by Los Angeles based TAG Creative Brand Solutions collaboration with NDTV’s design team, the new logo retains the connectivity of the letters from the original logo with a stronger, more modern mark. A red dot, more like the ‘bindi’ sported by Indian women, with a strong and distinct motif has been added to tie the logo together while reinforcing the recall from the previous logo. It communicates the core brand values of integrity, credibility,balance and innovation, with added characteristics of energy and passion for quality. The logo is created using extra bold sans serif in the most stark and contrasting colours - red and black.