DR. M.G.R. EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE Tmt. Kannammal Educational Trust was formed in 1985 and started Thai Moogambigai Polytechnic College. It acquired Deemed University status in 2003 as Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute (DMEARI). The emblem of the university has a shield divided into four parts in violet and yellow colours. One part has a sun, the second a computer, the third has a DNA chain and the fourth has Caduceus the Staff of Hermes with a pair of snakes entwined and with wings each signifying the fields of education imparted by the university. The shield is crested by its name in a circular line and supported by a pair of laurels and ‘Dr. M.G.R. University’ At the bottom, on a banner its motto ‘Strive to Excel’ is written. The sun symbolises light, universal prosperity and path for growth; The staff of Hermes signifies medicine and medical education; the pair of laurels symbolise victory, success and achievement; the colour yellow means happines...