THE KUMAON REGIMENT The Kumaonis had been in British military service since the early 19th Century. As part of the North Indian class, who had joined the military of the East India Company's forces, the Kumaonis had moved to other states in search of military service. Thus they formed part of the Hyderabad Contingent, which was raised, trained and led by British officers under Henry Russel, but paid by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1945, the Hyderabadis became the Kumaon Regiment. When the Naga Regiment and the Kumaon Scouts were raised, they came under the aegis of the Kumaon Regiment. Its Regimental Centre is Ranikhet, Uttaranchal and its Regimental insignia is a demi-rampant lion holding a cross. The demi-rampant lion is part of the arms of the Russel family, whose ancestor had started the body of troops now formed into the Kumaon Regiment. Its Regimental motto is ‘Prakramo Vijayate’ (Valour Triumphs)and its war cry is ‘Kalika Mata Ki Jai’ (Victory to the Great...