NO. 10 SQUADRON The last Indian Air Force Squadron to be raised during the Second World War was No.10, the 'Winged Daggers'. The Squadron was formed on February 20, 1944 at Lahore and was equipped with the Hawker Hurricane IIc fighter. The Winged Dagger emblem of No.10 Squadron was officially approved by the President of India in December 1955. The emblem was in use unofficially since the late 1940s, which received formal approval on May 26, 1983, symbolises the lethality of their splendid weapon. The Squadron’s motto is ‘Yudhyay Krutnischay’ meaning ‘Into War with Determination'. The combination of cross guard and Quillon is designed to include the squadron number alongwith its operational intent of mobility in third dimension. This Squadron (Daggers) was a fighter squadron equipped with MiG-27. It was based at Jodhpur Air Force Station. The squadron was number plated in March 2019.