NATIONAL SANSKRIT UNIVERSITY National Sanskrit University (NSU), earlier known as Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha is a central university in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. The motto of the National Sanskrit University was chosen from Brihadaranyakopanishad as engraved on its emblem Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya (Lead Me Unto Light from Darkness) explicitly focuses on the central purport of education and also speaks of the vision and the idealism for which the University was established. The university’s emblem has has a lotus - symbolising purity, knowledge and wisdom; on a ocean - water body symbolising expansiveness, immeasurable and infinity in the background of a sun - symbolising light, enlightenment and power are ensconced in a circular border which bears its motto in Sanskrit ‘तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय’. These are supported by a bundle of palm leaf scriptures on a pedestal - symbolising ancient knowledge and wisdom and on each side of the scriptures a traditional lamp - symbol...