MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL AND FISHERY SCIENCES UNIVERSITY The emblem of Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University (MAFSU) has a Staff of Hermes with a pair of entwined serpents and wings placed in the middle of the motif of a cattle over an open book. The year of inception is written below the cattle. All these motifs are placed inside a pair of fish. The name of the university is written below the fish motif and its motto in Sanskrit is written above. The motto says ‘पसुमत्स्यधनम् नित्यं सर्वलोकोपकारम् शोधशिक्षणजं कार्य ज्ञानकोशल्यदायकम्’ meaning ‘The wealth of cattle and fish is always beneficial to all the worlds, the work of research and teaching is the giver of knowledge and skill’. The Staff of Hermes or Caduceus represents medicine and medical profession; the cattle and fish denote the domain of knowledge the university caters to; the open book denotes education, knowledge, learning and wisdom and the colour violet symbolises creativity, wisdom, sensitivity, spirit...