TRIPURA TEA The India Tea has its varieties based on its geographical origins. There are logos for each of the protected tea regions: Darjeeling, Assam Orthodox, Assam CTC, Dooars CTC, Dooars Terai, Nilgiri Orthodox, Nilgiri CTC and Kangra tea. Anyone using one of the logos must be registered with the Tea Board of India and submit their purchase and sale information yearly. The cultivation of tea in Tripura was started entirely by Indian enterprise, unlike in other parts of the country where British planters had taken the lead. Mainly CTC tea is produced in Tripura, with a small amount of green tea being also produced. The nearest auction centre is Guwahati in Assam. Tripura Tea Logo has been launched in the year 2018 to have a recognition of Tripura Tea in the national and global market. The logo features Tripura's iconic landmark, the ‘Neermahal’ which is the largest and one of its kind water palace in India. The palace located around fifty-three kilometres west of ...