BRAHMAPUTRA VALLEY FERTILIZER CORPORATION LIMITED Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFC) is a public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the Department of Fertilizers formed after segregation of Namrup units in Assam from Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited on April 1, 2002. The Namrup complex of BVFCL comprises of three separate units designated as Namrup-I, Namrup-II and Namrup-III. The raw material for all the three units is natural gas, both as feed stock and as fuel. Namrup-I has only ammonia plant whereas Namrup-II and Namrup-III have ammonia and urea plants. Presently only Namrup-II and Namrup-III are in operation. The emblem of BVFC has rising sun in yellow forming the background with a growing shoot in green in the foreground. Its acronym in Devanagiri and English below this in green supported by a yellow base line.