SOUTH WESTERN AIR COMMAND Jai Shree Varte Veeram, meaning victory garlands the gallant, is a bye word to the soul and spirit of one of the most operational commands of the Indian Air Force, the South Western Air Command (SWAC). Originally established as No 1 Operational Group at Jodhpur on September 21, 1972, it was subsequently rechristened as the South Western Air Command on July 23, 1980. The crest of the South Western Air Command depicts the National Emblem on the top as a pendant of a garland of flowers with ‘Dakshin Paschim Vayu Kaman’ encrypted inside in a semi circle. The centre is adorned by a dagger with wings. At the base, under the inscription 'Bharatiya Vayu Sena', is a scroll with the command motto ‘Jai Shree Varte Veeram’. Keeping in view the increasing operational importance of the command, it was decided by Air HQ to move the Command Headquarters from Jodhpur to Gandhinagar on May 1, 1998.