DR. SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN RAJASTHAN AYURVED UNIVERSITY Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur is the first Ayurved university of Rajasthan and the second of its kind in India. The emblem of the university has a tree on earth near a waterbody, a rising sun, microscope and a pestle. At the bottom its motto in Sanskrit ‘धन्वातिष्टन्नोषधिर्नीम्नमापः’ is written. All these are ensconced in a red circular border which carries its name in Devanagari and English. The year of its establishment is placed above the border at the bottom. All these are placed in a red square box. The colour red symbolises passion, power, strength, courage, determination, energy; the rising sun denotes light, universal prosperity and path for growth and the tree symbolises strength, individuality and expression, calmness, growth and the interconnectedness of everything.