GITA ASHRAM The circular emblem of Gita Ashram houses the image of Swami Vedvyasanand Sarswati in an orange border which bears the inscription of ‘M. M. Swami Vedvyasanand Sarswati Shri Gita Ashram International Charitable Trust (Regd.)’ is written in Devanagari. This assemblage is placed on a thirty six petalled lotus and crested by the letter ॐ. The motto of the ashram in Sanskrit ‘योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्’ (Verse 50, Chapter 2, Bhagavad Gita) meaning ‘Yoga is Skill in Action’ is written on a yellow banner and placed above the image. The letter ॐ or Ohm is a symbol representing a sacred sound, syllable, mantra and an invocation; the lotus refers to purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty and the colour orange denotes energy, vitality, creativity, inspiration, joy and happiness.