THE ASSAM KAZIRANGA UNIVERSITY The Assam Kaziranga University was founded in 2012 and is known as KU. The University has been promoted by the North Eastern Knowledge Foundation (NEKF) trust of Khetan industrial group. The insignia of the university is the one-horned rhino found in the Kaziranga, symbolises uniqueness. It also stands for steadfast concentration in one's pursuit, overcoming obstacles of all kinds coming in the way. The rhino represents a confident and disciplined lifestyle that is not drifting aimlessly, but is respectfully connected to its roots. The sun on the top right corner, the timeless star of life, symbolises knowledge as the eternal source of enlightenment. Overall, the shield is supposed to protect us from the invasion of ignorance in our lifelong pursuit of true knowledge and its humanist applications beyond. The orange border hints at the shining glory that rewards every stellar performance upon completion.