INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INDIAN SCHOOL OF MINES) DHANBAD The Indian National Congress at its XVII Session of December 1901 passed a resolution stating that vide the Indian Mines Act VII of 1901, a Government College of Mining Engineering be established in some suitable place in India on the models of the Royal School of Mines in England. The McPherson Committee formed by the Government of India, recommended the establishment of the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. It was formally opened on December 9, 1926, by Lord Irwin. Now it is known as Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad (IIT Dhanbad). Its emblem has a lotus supported by a book and in the centre of a blue circle, spokes of which divides the surrounding circle in three parts. Below the book is an assemblage of pick axe, hammer and a miners lamp in the middle of a mining shaft. It is ensconced by a circular gear like borders in which the name of the institute is written in De...