NATIONAL MEAT AND POULTRY PROCESSING BOARD The Government of India launched National Meat and Poultry Processing Board (NMPPB) on February 19, 2009. The formation of NMPPB has been notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary vide notification no 127 dated 20th January, 2009. The National Meat and Poultry Processing Board is an autonomous body. The Board will have 19 Members including CEO of the Board. This industry driven institution is to work as a National hub for addressing all key issues related to meat and poultry processing sector for the systematic and proper development of this sector. The logo in red and yellow symbolising meat and freshness is a rounded square symbolising meat cubes turned to its corner has the caricatures of goat, pig, cock and sheep. The name is written around the cube. The red banner below this is the acronym NMPPB written in white.