BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES The Boy Scout Movement had a simple start in the year 1907 when a Maj. General of Army Lord Baden Powell conducted an experimental camp in Brown Sea Island in England with 20 boys. Lord Baden Powell decided to start a movement for Girls with the help of his sister Agnes Baden Powell. Scouting started in India in the year 1909, when Captain T. H. Baker established the first Scout Troop in Bangalore. After the independence of our country, efforts were made for unification of the Scout and Guide Associations functioning in India. The final merger took place on November 7, 1950 and the unified organisation came into existence under the name The Bharat Scouts and Guides. The Girl Guides Association formally joined the Bharat Scouts and Guides a little later on August 15, 1951. Its emblem has a green colour background with yellow details. Ashoka Chakra is placed in the centre placed over the fleur-de-lis (flower and lily)- the international embl...