INDIAN AIR FORCE The Indian Air Force (IAF) was established on October 8, 1932. Its first flight came into being on April 1, 1933. In January 1950, India became a Republic within the British Commonwealth and the Indian Air Force dropped its ‘Royal’ prefix. At this time, it possessed six fighter squadronsbased in Kanpur, Poona, Ambala and Palam. Its emblem has a flying eagle crested with lion capital and a border at the bottom. The Crests in the Indian Air Force have a standard frame. The central portion of the frame contains the individual formation sign with a motto shown in the scroll at the foot of the frame. Its motto in orange border is written in Sanskrit ‘Nabha Sprusham Diptam’ (Chapter 11, Bhagavad Gita) meaning ‘Touching the Sky with Glory’. The Indian Air Force has adopted various crests for the commands, Squadrons and the other establishments. The unit sign is drawn inside a circle of three inches diameter. The name of the formation of the units is shown in the upper h...