ANIMAKER In 2014, Animaker was running a leading creative studio that helped companies across the globe to make videos, for clients from Fortune 500 companies to small start-ups with highly trained professionals using Adobe tools. Coming from a highly technical background, Raghav, its founder was determined to find an inbound solution where anyone can create high-quality videos with less effort, time and cost. Its products cover a range of video makers for business, work and ‘for everything else’. Some of its products include: Video maker, 2D animation software, Whiteboard video maker, Infographic Video maker, GIF maker, Youtube Banner Maker, Animaker voice, Makers Academy and Animaker Video Editor - iOS App. Its logo in vibrant colours of purple and orange with three dimensional treatment, with an icon of an instrument with a smiling face, head phone and hand and its name in a caricature style font.