TELANGANA UNIVERSITY Telangana University was established through Act Number 28 of the State Government in the year 2006 with an objective to make higher education accessible to the educationally backward District of Nizamabad in Telangana. The emblem of the university is in the form of a shield with a broad white border bearing its name in English and Urdu; its motto in Telugu along with poorna kumbha supported by a pair of swans holding lotuses. Inside the border, the images of classrooms and a computer; a batch of graduating students; paddy fields and a big water dam are provided as the representation of Telegana’s geography. Atop the shield its name in Telugu is written. Purna Kumbha signifying a sense of fulfilment, a totality of being that follows true education; swans are sacred and are symbols of grace and beauty; lotuses denote purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty.