CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR The Central University of Jammu and Kashmir was established alongside fifteen other Central Universities in the year 2009 by an Act of Parliament. Later the university was bifurcated into two Universities: the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) and the Central University of Jammu (CUJ). The blue, green and black circular logo symbolises the inclusive policy of the university. The ribbon base on which the circular frame is resting depicts the strong scholarly values on which the foundation of the university is laid. The leaf at the top of the end of the circle is a chinar leaf that defines the unique cultural and geographical identity of Kashmir. The chinar leaf symbolises longevity,strength, refreshment and source of life. The inception of the leaf also signifies the environmental concern and friendliness that the university strives for. The olive branches are a symbol of peace, goodwill and reconciliation. The book in the university logo s...