HIMACHAL PRADESH POLICE Himachal Pradesh as a political entity came into existence on April 15, 1948. It was constituted by integrating the princely States of Chamba, Mandi, Suket, Sirmaur and 26 smaller states known as the Punjab Hill States. In 1948, states like Mandi, Chamba, Sirmaur, Suket and Bilaspur had their regular Police forces. Other smaller States had a common police force. The Rulers of Punjab Hill States, with the exception of Sirmaur and Bilaspur realized the advantage of establishing a common system of Policing in their States. In 1948, after the constitution of the Union Territory, the Police force drawn from different States with varying backgrounds and traditions were amalgamated to form the HP Police. S. R. Chaudhary, was the first IGP of HP. The emblem of Himachal Pradesh Police consists of the acronym ‘HP’ in the centre, crested with the Asoka Capital being the emblem of India. The emblem is surrounded by a purple garland and a yellow ribbon below charged w...