PACIFIC MEDICAL UNIVERSITY The insignia of Pacific Medical University (PMU) has a red cross with a flame atop, superimposed by a green path and surmounted by a rising sun and supported by a ‘kalash’ overwritten by a its acronym ‘PMU’ are placed over the background of ocean. All these are ensconced by a red circular border with blue outlines on which the name of the university is inscribed. At the bottom, on a blue banner its motto in Sanskrit ‘सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः’ (2.35.51, Garuda Purana) meaning ‘May All be Prosperous, May All be Free from Infirmities’ is inscribed. The ‘kalash’ is the symbol of abundance, prosperity and wisdom; cross symbolises protection and divine grace; the green pathway symbolises hope, renewal and rebirth; the flame symbolises enlightenment, hope, life, truth and the regenerative power; the rising sun is the symbol of light, universal prosperity and path for growth; the blue ocean denotes power, strength, mystery, endlessness, calmness, hope and truth; th...