ALL INDIA RADIO NEWS The first news bulletin from the Delhi Station went on the air on January 19, 1936 coinciding with the starting of its transmission. The Central News Organization was set up on August 1, 1937. The Monitoring Service was set up in 1939 to monitor foreign broadcasts. In 1943, the External Broadcast Unit was set up under the Director of News. By 1945, the Central News Organization was handling news bulletins in different Indian languages through All India Radio News. Its blue, green and orange insignia in the form of a microphone has its acronym 'AIR' placed over a map of India, with a border which has its motto ‘बहुजनहिताय बहुजनसुखाय’ in Devanagari meaning 'Public Welfare Public Good', written on both the sides. Its name in Hindi 'Akashvani Samachar' is written below in blue on an orange banner. At the bottom its name is written on a blue banner.