TEZPUR UNIVERSITY Tezpur University was established on January 21, 1994 as per the Tezpur University Act, 1993 enacted by the Parliament. The establishment of Tezpur University is considered to be one of the outcomes of the Assam Accord. Its circular logo in dark and light blue has the base of a book evolving into flying birds, topped by mountain peaks and crested by an atomic structure, with a background of dark blue with light blue lines. These are ensconced by a border on which its name, date of establishment and its motto in Sanskrit ‘विज्ञानं यज्ञं तनुते’ meaning ‘Specialized Knowledge Promotes Creativity’ are written. Mountain peaks denote its geography and the peaks one has to conquer, atomic structure represents science and the book is the source of knowledge to gain and to fly as a free and enlightened as birds.