PARUL UNIVERSITY Parul University, since its inception in 1993 to the point of its recognition as university in the year 2015, has grown into one of India’s leading academic Institutions. The University is an amalgamation of 20 faculties and 36 institutes, with a plethora of diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programs in numerous disciplines. Its emblem is a tricolour - yellow, blue and red shield held by a pair of lions and supported by a banner. The Lotus is symbolic of the purity that comes with the purpose that our students serve to all of humanity after studying in the university. The holding hands signify the element of togetherness, that the journey of education is about the students walk together. The book stands as a symbol of the reflection of knowledge with every page turned, opening new horizons of knowledge. The lamp is significant in the transition from darkness to light, where the knowledge brings enlightenment into the lives of the students. The lions stand ...