POLICE PUBLIC SCHOOL, MYSORE The circular emblem of the Police Public School, Mysore (PPSM) has an open book supporting the state emblem of the State of Karnataka and supported by a pair of hands shaking. The hands are supposed to be that of the police and the public. Below the open book the motto of the school in Kannada ‘ವಿದ್ಯಯಾ ವಿಂದತೇ ಅಮೃತಮ್’ and Sanskrit ‘;विद्यया विन्दतेऽमृतम्’ (Verse 4 II, Kena Upanishad) meaning ‘By Self-knowledge Immortality is Attained’ are written. These motifs are ensconced by a red circular border, on which the name of the school and the name of its management. The open book symbolises learning, education, knowledge and wisdom.