INDIA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LEGAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH The Bar Council of India Trust took the initiative to establish the India International University of Legal Education and Research in Goa (IIULER). It was established by the Bar Council of India Trust - Pearl First through a Statute of the Goa Legislature. The emblem of the university is a brown colour shield with thick golden borders holding the motifs of the globe and a map of India. The name of the university surmounts these motifs. The acronym of the university’s name is written on a golden banner below the shield. At the bottom the name of the promoters are written. The globe and the map of India symbolise the domain and scope of the university and its range of studies; the colour gold symbolises wealth, prosperity, power, prestige and achievement and the colour brown denotes earthiness, simplicity, stability, humility, warmth, reliability, endurance, timelessness and tradition.