BHABHA UNIVERSITY Bhabha Group of Institutions was established in 2003 and is promoted by Ayushmati Education and Social Society (AESS). By 2018 Bhabha Group of Institutes developed into Bhabha University. The emblem of the university has a yellow shield with a blue border supported by a blue banner bearing its name. The emblem houses the motifs of a gear wheel the Staff of Hermes with a pair of wings and entwined serpents, sun, a satellite, a two pan beam balance, an open book, planets, pestle stone masher and a graph generated by a sphygmomanometer. On the circular red border of the gear wheel its motto in Sanskrit ‘असतो मा सद्गमय, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय, मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय’ (Yajnavalkya, 1.3.28, Pavamana Mantra, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) meaning ‘From evil lead me to good, From darkness lead me to light, From death lead me to immortality’ is written. The gear wheel signify interconnectedness; efficiency and precision; progress and advancement; synchronisation and timing and ord...