KARNATAKA SAMSKRIT UNIVERSITY Karnataka Samskrit University (KSU) was established by the State Government of Karnataka in the year 2010. Karnataka Samskrit University has been formed exclusively for the development of Samskrit language. The logo of Karnataka Samskrit University was created by a famed artist of Karnataka, Sri Muralidhara V Rathod. It contains the title of the university in Devanagari, English and Kannada scripts. Devanagari script has been chosen since the university is based on the foundations of Samskrit language, literature and knowledge. The expanse and global reach of the university is signified by the English script. This is signified by the use of Kannada script in the logo. Motto for the university has been chosen from Brahmapurāṇam of Vedavyasa. The motto has been represented in Devanagari script in the logo. ‘प्रज्वालितो ज्ञानमयप्रदीपः’ indicates the supremacy of knowledge.