UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION In one of his speeches, Shri Vajpayee suggested that the University Grants Commission can have a new identity. The logo and the motto line of UGC ‘Knowledge Liberates’ convey the UGC’s philosophy and avowed objective of uplifting the nation’s destiny through quality education. Knowledge is like both light and sound. Like light, it enlightens and empowers the individual and society as a whole, enabling them to overcome limitations imposed by nature. And like sound, which seeps in through the most impermeable of barriers, knowledge cannot be stopped or barred in any way. The Ashoka Chakra in the logo symbolises the Indian nation. Its twenty-four spokes represent the continuous and uninterrupted flow of education, which is truly a life-long process. The lines below the chakra portray an open book, the ultimate symbol of learning. The relevance of books has not diminished. The lines are also symbolic of a pair of hands, because it is knowle...