SIVANANDA YOGA UTTARKASHI ASHRAM This circular monocolour emblem of Sivananda Yoga Uttarkashi Ashram (SYUA) has a traiangle placed on a square inside a circle. The triangle houses a circle which bears the letter ॐ and the acronym of its tagline ‘TWO’. These are ensconced by a thick circle. Below the seal its slogan ‘Unity in Diversity’ is placed on a banner which ends with a pair of hands holding lotuses. The seal is surmounted by its motto ‘Serve Love Meditate Realize’ and at the bottom its tagline ‘True World Order’ is written. The intersecting triangle and square form a yantra; the letter ॐ or Ohm is a symbol representing a sacred sound, syllable, mantra and an invocation and the lotuses refer to purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty.