THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The emblem of the Theosophical Society, a Western mystical order founded in 1875 by mystic Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The Society’s logo is composed of an Ankh, a hexagram, an ouroboros, a swastika and the Omkar symbol. Blavatksy’s intent was to create a symbol embodying universal spiritual symbols, emphasizing the common esoteric doctrines in every faith. The Ankh in the middle is an Egyptian symbol of antiquity and it portrays the resurrection of the spirit. This combination of the triangle and the surrounding serpent symbolises the created universe, through which creation is limited in time and space. The darker of the two triangles, which is downward pointing and the lighter triangle, which is upward-pointing, symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into matter and the ascent of that life out of matter into Spirit, the perpetual opposition between the light and dark forces in nature and in man. the serpent itself has always been a sym...