F.S. UNIVERSITY The emblem of F.S. University (FSU) has a pictorial and a word mark on its right. The pictorial has a brown shield bearing its name in yellow ochre, a nib, an open book and a banner on it in the middle inscribed with its motto in Sanskrit ‘विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम्’ meaning ‘Knowledge is the Supreme Wealth’. Below the shield a pair of laurels are placed. The name of the university is written in brown, white and black. The shield denotes protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery; the nib of a pen symbolises freedom, intelligence, creativity, professionalism, determination and diligence; the open book symbolises education, knowledge, learning and wisdom; the laurels mean ceremonies, victory, achievement, hard work and dedication; the colour brown denotes and white denotes purity, innocence, perfection, peace, new beginnings, loyalty and joy.