PRASAR BHARATI NEWS SERVICE Prasar Bharati News Service (PBNS) is India's state-owned public broadcaster, headquartered in New Delhi. It is a statutory autonomous body set up by an Act of Parliament and comprises the Doordarshan Television Network and Akashvani All India Radio, which were earlier media units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The Parliament of India passed the Prasar Bharati Act to grant this autonomy in 1990, but it was not enacted until September 15, 1997. Prasar Bharati unveiled its new logo on July 11, 2022. In the new logo symbol for Prasar Bharati, the elements in the central circle and map of India signify the service of trust, security and perfection for the common man. While the elements in the central circle and map of India signify the service of trust, security and perfection to the nation, its colour, ‘dark moderate blue’ represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination...