GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY The red and blue emblem of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has a shield which denotes the strength of knowledge and education, which houses the motifs of a dam; mortar, pestle and Rx and DNA chain; a lamp, book, computer and gear wheel; humans with a clock. the domains of engineering the university offers. Below the shield, on a banner its motto in Sanskrit ‘समुचित ज्ञान समन्वय:’ meaning ‘Gathering and Disseminating Knowledge’ is inscribed. Below these, motifs of a globe representing internationalisation; bulb with spark in mind symbolising innovation; a human with multi directional arrows meaning multiple disciplines of the university and the four connecting lines in red denote synchronisation of all the three. The colour red symbolises courage, strength and passion and the colour blue symbolises serenity, intelligence and responsibility.