BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR BIHAR UNIVERSITY The name of Bihar University was changed to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University (BBABU) in 1992. Established in 1960. The emblem of the university is in brown colour, has the motifs of a rising sun, a pair of folded hands, a decorative arch of Mauryan era, a person sitting in a meditative posture and iconic art and architectural symbols of Bihar. At the bottom these are supported by a pair of swans and a lotus. Its name is written in the bottom half of the emblem and it is surmounted by its motto in Sanskrit ‘नास्ति विद्या समम् चक्षुः’ meaning ‘Knowledge is the Greatest Eye’. The rising sun denotes dawn, light, life, energy, power, positivity and clarity; the folded hands denote prayer, thanks, request, greeting, and sentiments such as hope, praise, gratitude, reverence and respect; the swans denote a good omen and long lasting relationship; the lotus denotes purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resi...