DR. B.R. AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY The blue circular emblem of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University (DBRAU) has a shield divided into two parts and the top band houses an open book which denotes education, learning, knowledge and wisdom and the bottom portion houses two stars and a sun symbolising the expansive universe and timelessness of knowledge produced by the university and its year of inception. These are ensconced by a circular border, which carries its name and place in Devanagari and its motto in Sanskrit ‘तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय’ (Yajnavalkya,1.3.28, Pavamana Mantra, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) meaning ‘From Darkness Lead me to Light’. The shield denotes protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery and the colour blue signifies serenity, calmness, trust, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, freedom, openness, intelligence and loyalty.